Young investors are championing the “S” in ESG investing, so what does it mean?

ESG investing means considering environmental, social, and governance issues when investing. While ESG encompasses a wide range of issues, there’s often a focus on the environmental aspect, from climate change to plastic pollution. However, that could be about to shift.

According to a report in FTAdviser, young investors are placing more importance on social factors.

In a survey, 57% of investors under the age of 45 said their preference was social impact investments rather than environmentally motivated ones. Among the under-25s, this rises to 67%.

There are plenty of reasons why younger generations are keen to focus on the social aspect of ESG investing.

Improvements in technology mean people are more aware than ever of the issues others are facing, including those they may not cross paths with day to day. This is likely to have played a role in investors wanting their decisions to have a positive effect on people and communities.

Your complete guide to financial protection

Financial protection is an important part of creating long-term security. Yet, it’s something that many people overlook.

Appropriate financial protection can provide you or your family with an income or lump sum when you need it most. It can create a valuable safety net and help ensure you’re still able to meet financial commitments if something unexpected happens.

If financial protection isn’t something you’ve thought about, this guide can help you answer questions like:

  • What is financial protection?
  • How does financial protection add value to your financial plan?
  • What are the different types of financial protection, and which ones are right for you?
  • What things do you need to consider when selecting financial protection?

Download “Your complete guide to financial protection” to learn more and understand if financial protection is right for you.

How a virtual “shopping basket” is used to calculate the rate of inflation

Over the last few months, you’ve probably heard a lot about inflation and the effect it can have on your cost of living. While you may be familiar with the headline figures, how is it calculated?

The key figure that you normally see is the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

In the 12 months to March 2022, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS) data, the CPI rose to 7%. This is the highest rate of inflation for 30 years and was driven by rising fuel and energy costs, which has been linked to the war in Ukraine.

The Bank of England (BoE) has a target of keeping inflation around 2%. However, the BoE expects inflation to rise to around 8% and then fall back over the next two to three years. It noted that even though the rate of inflation is expected to slow down, the prices of some things may stay at a high level when compared to the past.

Misconceptions mean that 40% of homeowners don’t have life insurance

Do you have life insurance in place? A survey suggests that some homeowners are choosing not to take it out because of common misconceptions about how life insurance works.

Life insurance would pay out a lump sum to beneficiaries if the policyholder passed away during the term. As a result, it can provide financial support to your loved ones when they need it most and ensure they don’t need to make large financial decisions when they’re grieving.

You can choose how much cover life insurance provides. Often, this is linked to how much your mortgage is. You can also consider other things, such as school fees or day-to-day living costs, to ensure your family would be financially secure if the worst happened.

You can also select how long cover will last. This is often tied to how long remains on your mortgage or when children will reach adulthood.

8 things entrepreneurs can do to improve their financial resilience

More people than ever before are working for themselves and setting up businesses. It can be incredibly rewarding, but you also need to consider how it’ll affect your financial resilience.

The UK has a great spirit of entrepreneurship. According to the Office for National Statistics, around 4.8 million people (more than 15% of the labour force) is self-employed, and it’s something younger generations are continuing.

According to a report in Business Leader, 50% of new businesses set up between July 2020 and June 2021 were done so by people aged between 25 and 40.

And Generation Z, who are under 25, is already responsible for 7.8% of new companies.

The data suggests that being self-employed is going to become even more common in the coming years. The graph below shows the different types of self-employment across the UK.

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