After 2 “once in a lifetime” economic events in 12 years, how can you protect your assets?

In the space of just 12 years, the global economy experienced two events that are considered “once in a lifetime” occurrences. As well as having an impact on economies, the 2008 financial crisis and 2020 Covid-19 pandemic are likely to have affected your finances too.

Many people will remember the impact of the 2008 financial crisis that triggered a global recession and the uncertainty it caused. From job insecurity to large falls in the markets, it had a far-reaching impact. Then, just 12 years later, the Covid-19 pandemic created uncertainty again.

While government support in the UK through the furlough scheme has helped to protect jobs and limit redundancies, it’s come at a cost. The latest fiscal report from the Office for Budget Responsibility show that over £1 trillion was added to the public debt, which is now above 100% of GDP for the first time since 1960.

Guide: Leaving an inheritance vs gifting during your lifetime

Have you thought about how you’ll pass wealth on to those who are important to you? Traditionally, this has been done through inheritance, but it’s becoming more common to gift during your lifetime.

Our latest guide explains why more families are choosing to gift during their lifetime and the pros and cons of each option. Whichever option you decide is right for you, our guide will enable you to fully understand your situation and make sure your wishes are carried out, and will explain everything from writing a will to calculating the long-term impact of gifting.

It can be difficult to think about how you’ll pass on wealth to loved ones, but it’s important to set out a plan.

Download Leaving an inheritance vs gifting during your lifetime to discover the steps you should take.

If you have any questions about passing on wealth, please contact us. 

Cashflow modelling: How it can give you confidence in your choices

When you’re making financial decisions, one of the challenges is understanding the impact that it could have on your long-term finances. Not understanding the impact means you’re unsure what you should do, or when you do make a decision, you still won’t have full confidence in it. Financial planning can help you weigh up the short- and long-term implications.

Cashflow modelling is just one of the tools that can help create a plan you can rely on when working with a financial planner. Even if you’ve used cashflow modelling before, you might not be aware of how it works or how it adds value to your plans. Read on to find out.

What is “cashflow modelling”?

Cashflow modelling is used to forecast your financial future. It can help you understand how your wealth and income may change, whether you want to look 5 years ahead, or 30.

The millennial generation and wealth transfer paves the way for ESG investing boom

While ESG (environmental, social, and governance) investing is growing across all investor segments, it’s the millennial generation that’s leading the trend. A huge wealth transfer in the upcoming decades could change how money is invested.

ESG investing involves considering non-financial factors when making investment decisions across three core areas: environmental, social, and governance. This may be done to reflect investor values or to identify risk and growth opportunities. While ESG issues are often associated with climate change and the environment, they can also include things like how a company treats its employees or the size of executive bonuses.

ESG investing is growing in the UK. Figures from the Investment Association show UK investors added almost £1 billion a month on average to responsible investment funds in 2020. Yet this remains a relatively small portion of the £8.5 trillion assets under management. However, there could be a shift that pushes ESG investing into the mainstream in the coming decades.

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